Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I have been watching the writing clubs and looking for my niche.  Looking for a place where I can be POPULAR.  HA!  Like that will ever happen.  The popularity - not the writing club.  Sorry - I keep forgetting that they call them groups.  (blushing)  So, after looking at a few writing groups, I found that some groups are more popular than some others.  There is a HUGE group on Facebook that has hundreds of members.  That group may be the most popular, but little, insignificant people like me get lost in such a big organization.  I joined, but it seemed too impersonal.  It no longer matters because Facebook wants my phone number and won't let me in Facebook unless I give it to them.  Heck, I wouldn't even give it to my dependents if such action wouldn't be frowned upon by most gentle society.  Pox on Facebook!  I don't need them or their hugely popular group.  

The only other social site that I am a member of is Google+.  I like it better than Facebook anyway.  So, I started looking for groups there.  I found this site called One Stop Blog World.  Now, there is a good place for me!  These 5 ladies have the best site ever.  So -- here goes my first blog for GBE2 for Sunday.  


When I hear the word popular, I remember the admonitions of my Mother.  

(Excuse me for a minute for a word to Mom) -- Mom, I promised you that I wouldn't say anything bad about you in my blogs.  Now, please relax!  A word to the dependents:  SHUT UP!  Don't be telling your Grandmother stories about my blogging!  Moms are allowed be PEOPLE, for pete's sake!!!!!

Now, where were we?  Oh yes -- When I was but a budding preteen, my Mother talked about popularity like it was something bad.  She said only girls who "put out" were popular.  With hindsight, I see that statement colored my impressions of other girls in high school.  I looked at every popular girl with suspicion, but they are the ones who finished high school, graduated college, married well and had fabulous careers.  (You notice I didn't mention their kids?  hehe)  Now, the quiet girls?  Whew-wee!  There is something to be said about still waters running deep. 

You are probably wondering right about now just how popular I was in high school.  Well, I think it was only me and the popular girls who made it out of high school still virgins. 

(Another word to Mom)  YES, MOM -- I was still a virgin inspite of your worst fears.  HA!!!!

In my digression, I neglected to answer the question about my popularity.  In school, I was very definitely popular in my own circle of friends.  And I didn't "put out", Mom.  (Geez -- does anybody ever say that any more?  Put out????  ha ha)

There you have it -- my first blog for GBE2 Sunday.

Friday, October 7, 2011

NOW They Talk to Each Other?

My dependents barely tolerated each other when they were little dependents.  Dependent #2 annoyed Dependent #1 and vice versa.  We had signs on bedroom doors that forbid the other entry of said room - upon penalty of death.  Freaking little monsters.  I don't know how that lump on the sofa and I suffered through their adolescents.  Are other families like that or do we get the Dysfunctional Family of the Year award?  . 


NOW they talk to each other?  

Dependent #1 called Dependent #2.  I imagine the conversation went something like this.

"Hey #2 - didja know Mom bought a laptop?

#2:  "NO WAY"

#1  "YES -- WAY and she has a BLOG!!!!!!!"

#2:  "NO WAY"

#1:  "Do you know more than two words?????"

#2:  "YES I DO -- That's five words for your information"

#1:  "WHAT-EV-AH!  Mom told the world that Gary and I are living in sin.  She even used the "f" word."

#2:  "NO WAY!!!!!"

#1:  "You are an imbecile!!!!  She said fornication."

#2:  "I don't think that was bad"

#1:  "Well, just you wait until she tells the world that you lost your left nut in that snowmobile accident!  YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!!  I CAN'T TALK TO YOU!  BYE #2."

Then Dependent #2 called me.

"Mom - I heard about your blog.  You won't tell anyone that I lost my nut in that accident, will you?"


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I might have been born with a silver pen in my hand.  There are few memories of a time when I could not write.  As an only child, I had the complete and adoring attention of both parents.  Daddy was an accountant.  He taught numbers to me with a frayed old set of flash cards used by my Grandma to teach him.  My Mom used another worn set of flash cards to teach the alphabet, then small words with picture prompts.  Before ever stepping into the halls of a school, I already had a head start on reading, writing and arithmetic.  For my 10th birthday, my parents gave me my first diary.  It is powder blue plastic with a lock and my very own key! I was thrilled!  I still have it and it is fun to read my girlish thoughts. Looking back, it amuses me to think about my childish scrawl as I wrote "Dear Diary".

The best part about my first diary was THE LOCK.  The thought delighted me that I could lock my thoughts away from the world where nobody could read them except me.  I must confess that I did not write in it every day, nor was I a daily writer ever in my life.

When journals became the thing to use, instead of opening my diary to the guilt of empty pages with pre-printed dates, I opened to the next blank page.  No empty pages of dates gone by - no guilt.  I liked that I felt free of the structured diary concept.  I just date it myself and begin to write.  I wrote until the book was full, then started another journal regardless of the date or time of the year.  I find structure binding.  The old diaries were binding to me.  The journals became a type of freedom.  

I have a box of journals from over a lifetime -- every word saved except for one really hard time in my life.  That one is missing several pages that are gone forever.  So painful was it that I never wanted to read those words again nor for anyone else to read - ever.  I have never been sorry for destroying those pages.  If only I could do the same for one small part of my mind. 

Why have I written this?  Because I was thinking earlier today about how funny it is that the 10 year old me all the way up and through 40 years thereafter, was so intent on keeping her thoughts private and now, here I am, writing them on the world wide web.

Oh the irony!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


 I have a lot of chores I should be doing, but am too excited about having a blog of my own to think of anything else.  Is this how addiction starts?

My oldest dependent called me last night.  She admits her honey has moved in to her apartment with her.  In her rush to convince me that it is a good thing, she went on to tell me that they would be getting married as soon as his divorce is final.  I CHOKED.  Rushing on, she said this "Then we won't be sinning and fornicating and all".  Right there, I CHOKED AGAIN before telling oldest dependent that there are some things she should NOT say to her mother.  

Just wondering if this blog will turn into an online diary.  I hope not.  I have lots of other voices talking to me in my head.  It sounds like they all want to be heard.

I think I'm beginning to love this blogging thing.  Thank you for reading.  Yes you!  My one and only reader and I do thank you -- even if I did give birth to you.  How about you call your dependent sibling and tell him your crazy mother is writing a blog?  OK?  Don't tell your friends though because you never know what I may write about you.   

Love U, Mom

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here I am!  Finally, the kids are out of the house and on their own.  Hubbs is at work.  I'm in heaven!

I am an EMPTY NESTER.  YES!  I have waited a very long time for this.  It's not that I don't love my husband and kids.  I do, but I don't remember the last time that I felt this free.  I can promise you that it has not been anytime since I gave birth to the dependents.  I should stop calling them that - now that they have their education, first jobs and first apartment.  Yay me!  Once Hubbs is off to work, my life is my own.  

Never a writer except in my head, I made a giant step towards the blog community tonight.  The site is up and ready for the first blog.  Future tweaking is inevitable, but just for now, I am itching to post my first blog. 

This is it!  But the voices in my head have already gone to sleep.  Funny, huh?  I don't care.  I am writing, I am happy and this will be my first blog.  

Silly or not, I'm posting.  Probably no one will read anyway.  So what!  I wrote a blog!  Nah nah

That's all folks!